Monday, November 10, 2014

Pathogens With Swag

So yeah, this chapter belongs to the subject with which I have had a big enmity, and of course, this subject always wins in all the fights. So I have decided to show that I know something about it, as well as make fun of it. If you guessed Biology, then you’re right. If you guessed maths, then no ( of course I love it, don’t I?).
So we start with this chapter- Why Do We Fall ill?
Because we want to. Because it is our right. The Indian Constitution guarantees us so. Because it is cool. Missing school and all. It’s awesome. ( NCERT, I am sorry for making fun of the name you hard worked on but honestly haven’t you got anything better? I suggest a better name – Pathogens with Swag )
So we start with Health.
So Health is being physically, socially and mentally well. Blah Blah! That was the scientific explanation anyway.
According to me, being healthy means feeling good in every aspect. Anyway, I advise you not to write that definition in the exam because most of Indian teachers expect everything to be written in bookish language.
So what should we do to be healthy?
We should have a balanced diet, exercise regularly, stay clean, have proper shelter and sleep well. (yeah, it took me a whole week to remember all those points).
I would like to add some more ‘important‘ things -
  • Lifebuoy ( Bunty, tera sabun slow hain kya?)
  • Dettol ( *in lame kiddish voice* Healthy Hand wash )
  • For protection from insects, feel free to choose from Mortein, Hit and All Out. We got a lot of competition in India for those things. seeing their ads makes you feel that India is  ‘mosquito free’.
Now lets move on to disease -
A disease is a state of the body in which a particular organ gets tired of doing work and wants to get out of your filthy body.
Nahh, not really.
A disease is just like a malfunction in your body. So we get to know what disease you are suffering from by looking at the list of symptoms.
There are various little sly pathogens responsible for diseases in our body( don’t get me started on that one because it is too detailed.).
So yeah, this the basic introduction of ‘Pathogens with swag’